Form W-4V: Voluntary Withholding Request
About this Form:
If you receive certain government payments, you may use Form W-4V to ask the payer to withhold federal income tax.How do I fill out Form W-4V?
The purpose of Form W4-V is to voluntarily withhold taxes from a payment you received, and may be more convenient than paying quarterly estimated taxes. Starting on line 1 enter your first name and middle initial, and then your last name. On line 2, enter your social security number. Moving to line 3, enter your current home address including number and street name or rural route, then your city or town or province if applicable, the state of residence, and zip code. Down on line 4, enter the claim or id number, if applicable, you use with the payer. For line 5, check the box if you want federal income tax withheld from you unemployment compensation at a rate of 10% of each payment. Next, for line 6, check the box to indicate the rate you would like to use for your withholdings. Check the box on line 7 if you intend to stop withholding federal income tax from my payment(s). Finally, sign and date the form with today’s date and give this form to the payer for processing.Form W-4V: Voluntary Withholding Request: FAQs
Form W4-V is a form used to voluntarily withhold taxes from a payment you received, and may be more convenient than paying quarterly estimated taxes.
For unemployment compensation for Form W-4V, you are permitted to withhold 10% from each payment. No other percentage or amount is allowed.
For government compensation listed on Form W-4V that is not unemployment compensation, you may choose to have the payer withhold federal income tax of 7%, 10%, 12%, or 22% from each payment, but no other percentage or amount.
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